Ho Re Ca
Dedicated packs of olives, pestoes, lupins, artichokes and dried tomatoes for restaurant professionals: Hotel Restaurants Coffee
The Madama Oliva HoReCa Line is aimed at catering and service professionals, specifically restaurants, hotel chains, catering companies, bars and communities. We are constantly attentive to the news of the “ food service” market , guaranteeing a complete assortment and always updated .
Our internal laboratory carries out chemical, physical, microbiological checks at the entrance of the product, during the processing phases and at the end of the production process on each production batch and on the packaging. We also make use of the expertise of accredited external laboratories.
We pay attention to the suitability of the packaging to ensure food preservation, resistance to transport and use conditions, the safety of the material that comes into contact with our food products.
We respect current European provisions and many times we anticipate the standards of the legislation on production processes, storage and packaging materials.
Our products, olives, lupins and vegetables are safe from a hygienic / sanitary point of view because they are controlled at every stage of processing; healthy, because they are free of preservatives and dyes; good because we select the raw material by taking the best fruits and following the typical recipes of the Italian tradition.
Our products are ideal for those who follow a Mediterranean diet and for those who do not give up on a healthy, vegetarian or vegan diet. They also meet the demands of consumers who are attentive to natural, organic, organic foods and products with Kosher certification.
The HoReCa Madama Oliva Line includes olives, crushed tomatoes, lupins and vegetables.
It is made up of buckets, trays, glass and tin jars ranging from 1 to 4 kg.
Each line has specific characteristics particularly suitable for catering and service professionals: wide range, versatility, practicality and shelf life.
All the products of the HoReCa line are used in restaurants, hotel chains, catering and bars to enrich aperitifs, appetizers and side dishes or as a condiment for first and second courses.